Sunday, May 3, 2009

Blog Amburadul

Betul kata ahli bahwa sebetum bikin blog harus buat perencanaan matang seperti proyek pekerjaan pada layaknya. Perlu planing, opportunity, dan management yang baik.

Kalo asal pengen cepat, hasilnya ya seperti blog yang saya coba buat ini.
Tiba tiba aja mentog di berapa kebingungan yang harusnya dah teratasi saat perencanaan. Ini terjadai karena blog saya mulai berdasar keinginan. Bukan perencanaan yg harus disusun dulu oleh Blogger.

Kebingungan itu antara lain berupa :
1. Target komunitas blog
2. Bahasa tulisan, Indon apa English apa Jowo ?
Memang ada widget translater, tapi sering macet juga itu softwarenya.
3. Tema dan Topik blog apa yang enak menyenangkan dan bermanfaat ?

Jadi ? Tolong dong. Kasih saran gimana baiknya agar kebingungan itu sirna.
Apa saja sih yang dicari pembaca dari sebuah blog ?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

What's are Guys dream for them life ?

I am a boy.
I am a man.
I want to be the real man.
What is the real man in your dreams ?

I shall want to have more anything for most given my zest of live.

I want have one or more beautiful girls whos sexy, hot, energic and love to me.

I want have more strong power of sexual in my long life time. With the sex power I will give most desires for my womans.

I want have the good job or business. By the business I can get the moneys for buy anything what I am and my fams need to do.

Actually I had many dreams that no must write here.
Do you still have one or more dreams that you want to real it ? How are your plan and action for doing of your real dreams ?
Come please. We can share about anything. We are need many opinions and many tips for doing to be the real man. And dont stop thinking to know what womens dreams for her life ? What women want from a man ?